The Joys of Starting A New Business

This has been such a challenging time of keeping healthy boundaries and letting my Five Things guide me.

Mother’s Day Inspiring Mom Highlight: Katie Veach

Watching Katie mother her kids has taught me so much. She is not afraid of her kids' messes, and walks through with them the process of cleaning them up. I'm not talking about spilled milk here, but when her kids mess up, she take the time to help them process through how to be successful next time.

Remembering my Mom

I want to be more intentional about remembering all these good things that I get to carry on and pass down to my kids. When I see these beautiful qualities coming out in my kids, it gives me fresh eyes to see my mom for who she was at heart and it brings me joy to remember her in that light.

Mother’s Day Inspiring Mom Highlight- Rachel Scott with Better than Blended

Today I am excited to introduce you to Rachel Scott. Rachel not only parents in a blended family, but has created a whole organization whose purpose is to equip blended families. I was so excited to learn of Rachel's passion to encourage strong and healthy blended families because there is such a need for it in our culture today.